X.Y.Tower won a contract from Myanmar this year and we successfully made the shipment in this month. ASEAN is one of the most important partners of China. X.Y. Tower value the market of ASEAN states very much.
In the pandemic, the business became tough. The quarantine policy including global traveling restricting, keep social distance and working at home makes the oversea business more difficult. Economies around the world are grappling with growing downward pressure and shrinking international trade due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
However, amid challenges brought by the epidemic, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for the first time has become China's top trading partner, opening up bright prospects as China and ASEAN are now each other's largest trading partners.
China and ASEAN strived to minimize the influence of the epidemic and bucked global trends with good trade and economic cooperation.
The contract from ASEAN nations also encourage us that the global trade is recovering. We have faith that the pandemic will be over in the foreseeing future. X.Y Tower always provide the quality service and products to all our oversea clients.
We shipped these cargoes by truck for this project. It just took 3 days to arrive the border of Myanmar. The delivery is almost one month faster than sea transportation.

Post time: Apr-06-2017