State Grid is also our most important client. Every year, our company wins more than 15 million USD from State Grid and takes almost 80% sales revenue of our company.
State Grid Corporation of China (State Grid) is a state-owned enterprise (SOE) established on 2002 under the Company Law of People's Republic of China. State Grid takes the investment, construction and operation of power grids as its core business, with a registered capital of RMB 829.5 billion. State Grid supplies power to over 1.1 billion people in 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, covering 88% of the china national territory.

On 11th November, an inspection team from state gird visited and inspected the all aspects of company. The inspection team are constituted of 7 experts from 4 provinces. Every one expert inspected one aspect of our company. All the seven aspects are quality of products, raw material inspecting protocols, finance, R&D, marketing performance, environmental policy and investment, Safety Production.
The inspection processing lasted a whole day until 8 PM. The experts team looked very carefully of all aspects of our company. The experts pointed out the good jobs we have done. Meanwhile, the weakness parts were also proposed by the inspection team. The experts commended that wish we can make a sustaining improvement and always provide good products to clients.
After the inspection, the management team of company hold a meeting. The notes of the goodness and weakness parts by inspection team were given to every staff of company.
About the good parts, we need keep doing good job about these parts. In the light of the weakness parts, the special working team is set up. The general manager is in charge of this team and make improvement to the weakness points. We always commit to provide the quality products and professional service to all our clients.

Post time: Jul-16-2018