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2023 year-end summary and 2024 New Year's Meeting was a grand gathering for Xiangyue Company to welcome the Year of the Dragon. On this exciting day, more than 100 employees gathered together to look back the efforts and gains of the past year, and look forward to the challenges and opportunities of the New Year.

At the beginning of the annual meeting, a wonderful dragon dance performance brought the atmosphere to a climax, symbolizing that the company will take off to meet greater success in the New Year. Then, Mr. Li highly appreciated the hard work of all employees, and he expressed sincere congratulations on the achievements of all departments in 2023, and looked forward to the New Year, encouraging all employees to make continuous efforts and jointly create more brilliant results.


Subsequently, the company held a grand award ceremony to recognize the outstanding employees of various departments, as well as those senior employees who have worked for the company for 10 years or more. Even more touching, the company also gave special recognition to those employees who have followed the company from its establishment to the present, which not only shows the company's value to its employees, but also shows the image of Xiangyue as a trusted employer.

Xiangyue Company was founded in 2008, there are 4 employees who have worked for 15 years or more, and more than 10 employees who have worked for 10 years, which fully highlights that Xiangyue Company is a trustworthy company for employees, and it is also a platform that can provide long-term and stable career development for employees.


The second climax of the annual meeting was the singing and dancing performance and the highly anticipated lucky draw. All the staff laughed and spent a happy and unforgettable moment together. In this moment full of joy and unity, Xiangyue Company shows the cohesion and centripetal force of its team.

Finally, Xiangyue company hopes to make continuous efforts in the Year of the Dragon, and make new achievements and wishes the company and all employees great success in the New Year! In 2024, Xiangyue Company will continue to join hands with employees to meet more challenges, create more success, and write a new brilliant chapter for the company's development.


Post time: Feb-04-2024

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